🧠 Microsoft Bets $10bn On AI

Plus: ChatGPT fools scientists


AI Image of The Week

Prompt: Bionic hand, normal hand, off center shot, Unreal Engine 5, Cinematic, hyper-detailed, intricate details, photorealistic, ultra-detailed, 8KEngine: Midjourney (by Yammi)


AI and Machine Learning

CNET has used an AI to write financial explainers nearly 75 times since November (6 minute read)It seems CNET has already replaced their staff with AI. As reported by The Byte, CNET has been using "automation technology" to produce financial explainer posts since November 2022, all under the byline of CNET Money Staff. But don't be fooled, it's only after clicking the byline that the site reveals the truth: "This article was generated using automation technology and thoroughly edited and fact-checked by an editor on our editorial staff."

Abstracts written by ChatGPT fool scientists (4 minute read)Scientists often cannot spot fake research paper abstracts written by AI chatbots, raising concerns about their implications for science, according to a study posted on bioRxiv. Researcher Sandra Wachter of the University of Oxford expressed concern that experts' inability to determine truth threatens to eliminate the middleman necessary for understanding complex topics.



Microsoft Bets Big on the Creator of ChatGPT in Race to Dominate A.I. (5 minute read)The potential $10 billion deal — which would mainly provide OpenAI with even larger amounts of computing power — has not been finalized and the funding amount could change. But the talks are indicative of the tech giant’s determination to be on the leading edge of what has become the hottest technology in the tech industry.

Artificial Intelligence Trends And Leading Stocks (5 minute read)Investors beware: there's plenty of buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) as more and more companies say they're using it. In some cases, companies are using older data analytics tools and labeling it as AI for a public relations boost. But identifying companies actually getting material revenue growth from AI can be tricky.

AI Market 2022 Year-End Review (7 minute read)In 2022, AI made significant progress and solidified its place as a valuable technology market worth noting. Despite some skepticism, the AI industry is thriving and an essential segment of the tech market. This report looks back on AI investment in 2022.


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