🧠 Elon Musk thinks AI is a risk to humanity

Plus: Google launches Github copilot rival


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AI and Machine Learning

Elon Musk And Tech Leaders Call For AI ‘Pause’ Over Risks To Humanity (3 minute read)A group of prominent individuals, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, are calling on artificial intelligence (AI) labs to halt work on powerful AI systems. They are urging developers to take a step back from the race to deploy increasingly advanced products until the risks associated with advanced artificial intelligence can be better assessed. The Future of Life Institute published an open letter on Wednesday, signed by over 1,000 people, which states that any AI lab working on systems more powerful than GPT-4 should pause work for at least six months to allow humanity to evaluate the risks of such advanced AI systems.

Biden admin silent amid growing concern from lawmakers over rapid development of AI technology (3 minute read)As the development of artificial intelligence (AI) continues at a rapid pace, there is a growing call for federal regulation of the technology. However, the Biden administration has not yet indicated whether it shares these concerns or supports such regulations. In response to inquiries about the issue, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre directed Fox News Digital to the National Security Council (NSC), which advises President Biden on national security and foreign policy matters. This silence from the White House comes as tech leaders, including Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, warn of the "profound risks to society and humanity" posed by advanced AI systems and call for a six-month pause in their development.



Google partners with AI start-up Replit to rival GitHub Copilot (2 minute read)Alphabet, the parent company of Google, has teamed up with AI start-up Replit to offer developers the ability to write and edit code using generative AI. As part of the partnership, Replit developers will be able to access Google Cloud infrastructure, services and foundation models via its software development AI, Ghostwriter. In return, Google Cloud and Workspace developers will have access to Replit's collaborative code editing platform, which is already used by 20 million programmers. This move is seen as Google's attempt to increase competition in the AI coding assistant market, which is currently dominated by Microsoft's GitHub Copilot.

Oscilar emerges from stealth to fight transactions fraud with AI (4 minute read)Neha Narkhede, co-founder of Confluent, has announced the launch of a new fintech company called Oscilar. The company is focused on developing an "AI-driven" platform that will help financial institutions safeguard online transactions against fraud and theft. According to Narkhede, she and her co-founder Sachin Kulkarni were inspired to create the platform after being frustrated by the cumbersome and ineffective risk decisioning technology currently in use. They spent the past two years building the company to address this problem. Oscilar aims to provide a more efficient and effective solution to fraud and risk decisioning technology in the financial industry.

That was fast! Microsoft slips ads into AI-powered Bing Chat (3 minute read)Microsoft is considering placing advertisements in the responses given by Bing Chat, its new search agent powered by OpenAI's GPT-4. While the sponsored responses are clearly marked as ads, this move raises questions about the evolution of advertising on search engines. Microsoft has confirmed that it is experimenting with this feature in a blog post. Although ads have been reported by some users for a few weeks, a recent tweet by Debarghya Das of Glean provided visual evidence of the ads in action.


Clearview AI used by US police for almost 1M searches (3 minute read)Clearview AI, a facial recognition company, has reported that it has conducted close to one million searches for US law enforcement. The use of facial recognition technology is a contentious issue, as it allows authorities to upload a photo of a suspect's face and search for matches in a database of billions of images collected by Clearview AI. In an interview with the BBC, CEO Hoan Ton-That revealed that the firm has scraped 30 billion images from various platforms, including Facebook, without users' consent. Clearview AI has faced repeated privacy violations in Europe and Australia, resulting in hefty fines, but US law enforcement agencies continue to use its software.

GitHub Copilot X launched: A look at how coding is changing with AI (2 minute read)GitHub has partnered with OpenAI to create Copilot X, a new tool that uses OpenAI's latest and most advanced large language model, GPT-4. Copilot X is integrated natively into the popular development environments VS Code and Visual Studio and features a chat interface to the editor. According to GitHub, Copilot X goes beyond suggesting code and provides in-depth analysis and explanations of code blocks, generates unit tests, and proposes bug fixes. It recognizes what code developers have typed and what error messages are displayed, allowing for a deeper understanding of the code.


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